25 Deadlifts, 24kg KB
Run 400m
25 Thrusters, 20Lb Med ball
Run 400m
25 Front Squats, ammo crate
Run 400m
25 Pushups
Run 400m
First and last run are done as normal, 2-4th run are done carring the equipment you just used for deadlifts, thruster or Front squat
Hey Nth Queensland.
Nice little WOD for the day..
who decides on the WOD for the day...
Anyway I hope everyone enjoys and will be looking at getting my ass over that way early next year..
HI Adam, How thing going over your side of the country.
Generally it me,( brett often has a say on the sunday sessions), some times we will go off the main site and other times like today, we will either make one up or seach the archeives,Avaiable equipment and location often influence what we do also.
Todays workout was actually a modified version of the Fargo workout "CHAD"(you should be able to find them in the CFJ), they did about 12 team workouts for miliatry personal a few years back. In CHAD you work in Teams of 4. All equipment is carried on a stretcher for each of the the 400m runs.And each team member does a different exercise after each lap. We only have one stretcher so we modified it slightly for todays WOD
Did a total Last night(Tue) Squat 103kg, Press 63kg DL 143kg... Needs a bit of work but happy enough.
Elizabeth at mine 1730ish(Wed) - text if you are in! 0416014607
Hey Fi.
things are good on my side of the oountry.
Relaxing at the moment on holidays. i just religiously go of the main site for my workouts..
did Elizabeth last night and the night before did 400m runs with 2mins rest as well as the CFT total.
CFT total was good.
BS - 135 happy with that after 1km run and 4 x 400m runs
SP - 82.5kg. New PB
DL - 180kg
All good at this end.
will try and get ourselves across to the east again next year.
tak care.
too late..
CFT monday then Elizabeth tuesday.
Elizabeth as RX'd = 17.22
heavy oly lifts slow me right down. Might give this arvo a miss then but will definately be there sunday again.
Brett if you could post/comment the WOD the day before so I know what im in for and not doubling up again
Steve, my fault, HAd an early night last night and then a early am start this morning so i didn't get to post to lunch time. Sorry
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