Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Wednesday 5th August 2009

For time:
Three Rounds
15 DB Thrusters 20kg/15kg
15 Pullups


FiCFNQ said...

Chris 9:21 rxd
Jeff 6:55 rxd
Tim 10:00 10kg DB's
Karl 8:23 JP 10kg DB's

Chris said...

Hmmm, I thought I got a good time but Jeff blitzed my time. Me thinks Scott A would have a photo finish up against Jeff.

robin said...

I just swam today :

500m (10 laps)
50 sit ups
500m (10 laps)
25 push ups
200m (4 laps warm down)

I needed a good swim to ease all the aches and muscle soreness.

Now I'm ready for the crossfit games!

Brett_M/31/181cm/85kg said...

We might see Scott A vs Jeff this weekend :) both are competing at CFBs HardnUp!

I cant wait.