Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sunday 30th August


But there will be unoffical KB practice/WOD down the strand at 4pm and Hoover ball if the beach Volleyball nets are free and we have enough people.

BYO KB's or SMS Fiona if you don't have your own and she will bring one for you.


Graeme_M said...

The Strand

4pm prefered, but will suck it up if 2pm wins

FiCFNQ said...

My pick would be the Strand at 4pm, kids could come. Might even do a byo bbq after, just a thought?

Jeff Hanan said...

I'm going to rock the boat. I can do anywhere at 2pm as will be at sport reserve at 4pm to watch a friend play in rugby league finals.

Graeme_M said...

either or 3pm works for me

FiCFNQ said...

Sorry Jeff 4pm it is, I have things to do before hand.

Jeff Hanan said...

No worries. I will be away from work for a while on Monday. Should be back in about 7-10 days. Let me know when you have ordered the kettlebells and I will put the money in your account.

FiCFNQ said...

No problems Jeff, well do,
Dont forget to sign up online for FGB and we will see you when you get back.

Chris said...
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Chris said...

Just remembered to do my 8 push ups for the 100 day challenge. Good thing I check the blog regularly otherwise I'd forget lol. See you Tues, it's swimming practice tomorrow for me :)

FiCFNQ said...

Pushup challenge day 8. Bye-in = 36

Graeme_M said...

KB juggling was interesting especially the 40....
Hooverball was also fun, don't know how it would go with the 10lb dynamax ball or heavier...
Bought in to the push up challange, only due to peer pressure from Sarah :p