60 seconds L-sit
30 Barbell Good mornings 20/15kg
60 Abmat sit-ups
30 Back Extensions with 10kg /5kg plate
For the L-sit, accumulate 60sec. For the Good mornings and Back extensions, minimize rest over speeding the movement. For the Abmat sit-ups, feet unanchored with soles together.
Am crew
Done as partner WOD
L-sits 30seconds each
30 GM each
60 am situps
15 back extenstions each
Jim/Jeff 24:34 rxd
Hillary/Brony rxd
8am Masters
three rounds
30srconds plank
15 goodmornings
20-30 situps
15 back extensions GHD or AM
Frances 13:50 20 situps/Ab mat
Wendy 13:50 30 situps/GHD 5kg
Sybil 13:54 30ditups/Ab mat
Pm crew
same volume as Am
30 second L-sit
30 good mornings
60 Ab mat situps
15 back extensions
Brad 19:59 rxd
Mick 19:57 rxd
Stuart 20:02 rxd
On weekend
Matthew 26:14 rxd
Fiona 19:38 rxd 20kg GM
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