Monday, June 29, 2009

Tuesday 30th June 2009

For time:
50 Wall-ball shots
50 Pull-ups
35 Wall-ball shots
35 Pull-ups
20 Wall-ball shots
20 Pull-ups

Use 20 pound medicine ball launched to a target ten feet above the ground.

Post time to comments.


Graeme_M said...

For the want of not have to listen to Mr Peanut about controlling weights again I went for a metcon meadaly:
500m flat out
5 minute rest
1 x tabata row
5 minute rest
5000m for time

So for 500m I did a 1:27.1 PR
Tabata row distance of 921m, happy after my 500m time
Finally first time for 5000m I did 19:50.5 can't compre since it was my 1st time but it was a real gut check so given the lead up I am quite happy with numbers as well as coming off CF Total yesterday, where I also hit 3 PR's

FiCFNQ said...

Rx'd reps
Michelle 15:57
Matt 18:06
Nathan 17:54

Wallball shots as rx'd
Pullups 35/20/10
Chris 17:19
Robin 15:51
Kristy 16:59

Ben 12:31
due to injury sub'd pullups for back extensions, and Db thrusters for wallball