Sunday, January 25, 2009

Monday 26th January 2009


Run 4.5km
Australia Day Fun Run, Tony Ireland Stadium @ Riverway 7:30am start)



FiCFNQ said...

Great Turn out this morning Guys and Girls.Especailly considering the rain

Below are the Race times from last year's Australia Day run for people to compare with todays effort

Steve 16:53
Brett 19:01
Michelle 21:59
Errica 22:03
Fiona 25:29
Robin 31:33
Jodie 32:33

Scotty.A said...

Nice pic Rika :D

Chris said...

Sorry I missed it guys. Awesome pic guys and great times there too.

FiCFNQ said...

There are plenty of funs to come this year ( season officaially starts March, so you will get to do a few, when are they putting the pin in?

Chris said...

Hey Fiona,

I go in Thursday morning to the Fracture clinic to see if I'm ready to have the rod inserted. It's all dependant on the graze on my left knee being cleared up as it's over the site where they need to go in to insert the rod. While it's still there it's an infection risk.

As you can imagine I have my fingers crossed for Thursday morning. I can't see the graze as it's under the bandages that is keeping my plaster cast in place.
I'll send you a text when I find out when I'm having the procedure done. I have my fingers crossed for this Thurs/Fri to have it done.

Once the rod's in apparently I'll be hobbling about in days to a week :D I can't wait

Reek said...


Obviously I was tired from the big run and resting my eyes!


I crossed my fingers for Thursday too ;)

Scotty.A said...

Ha, it looks like you feel asleep straight after the run and they sat you up for the pic :D

Good luck Chris, hope all goes well. Bet you can't wait to be hobbling :)