WHAT CrossFit Beginners Course ( also know as Fundamentals)
WHEN: Starting the week of November 3rd
WHERE: At CrossFit North Queensland, now located Inside Body Torque Health and Fitness, 262 Woolcock st Currajong.
WHY: To learn the basics of CrossFit Safely from experienced coaches so you can shape up for summer, learn new skills, get fit, make friends, lift heavy stuff, get fit for your sport, everyone has there own reasons. For us the reason is to give you the basic knowledge you need to enjoy and progress at the start of your CrossFit Training training
WHAT IS INVOLVED: 6 sessions with other CrossFit beginners, 3 x per week for two weeks, Plus a complementary 10 class pass for the regular timetabled CrossFit Classes
Select either
AM course 6:30am Monday, Wednesday, Friday
PM Course 6:45pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
email crossfitnq@gmail.com to secure your place or click on the fundamentals link above