Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"BYO Sand" 29th August

After carrying the sand bags down to the beach warm up with Dynamax ball drills including 100 partner situps.

Starting at the top of the beach
Clean your sand bag onto your shoulder
run down to the water turn around run back up the dune.

Dump the bag and do 1 OHS with broomstick.
Clean the bag run down and up the dune dump the bag 2 OHS
Clean the bag run to the water and back dump the bag 3 OHS
Repeat till you build to 10 OHS.

Once you finish carry your sand bag 600 m

Finish of with Tabata Pushups, Situps, Squats.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

"Skin the snake" 26th August

Warm up with lap round the park followed by 20 stepup/10 dips for 6 minutes.
Skin the snake =Two exercises one works up the other down.
Today its Pushups and Squats
All squats are done holding a kettlebell

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"Them Krazy Kettlebells" 22nd August

Warmed up with 3 rounds
Skip 2min 10 pushups , 10 squats, 1o jumping pull ups,
10 back extension (off the wall)

In the sprit of the broom stick mile,
keep together as a group

10 of each with 10 RTW each way between
Figure 8
Dragon walk/ lunges

All finished off with a 800m run

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sweep the Beach with a "Broomstick Mile" 15th August

Warmed up with run and step up combo followed by introduction/revision of the techiques to be used in our workout for today, The "Broomstick "Mile. To add an extra twist we moved onto the sand with the Navman making sure our distances where true.

Ever move is done in sync and group stays together for the run
25 Back Squats
25 Front Squats
25 Over Head Squats
Run 400m
25 shoulder press
25 Push press
25 push Jerk
Run 400m
50 Squat Clean
Run 400m
50 Snatch
Run 400m

Saturday, August 12, 2006

"Frelen caught short" 12th August

Run two laps of the park
2 x 10 OHS, Pushups, Thrusters, Pushups

"3/4 FRELEN"

We didn't have any ammo cans so we used our "yoga mats" instead, rolls of 1/2 inch rubber weighting between 9 and 20kg.

Three rounds
Run 400m
15 thrusters
15 pullups

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"Run Cindy Run" 8th August

Warmed up with 2 x 250m run followed buy 15 double unders/50 skips
Pushup, pull up and squat technique broken up by 150m runs

How many rounds can you complete in Twenty mintues of
Three cycles
5 jumping pull ups
10 pushups
15 Squats

followed by a 300m run

Finished off the workout with ring rows and support practice

Saturday, August 05, 2006

"The Kid and the Kettlebells" workout 5.8.06

Warmed up with a Run around the park , introduction to kettlebell techniques and the double under practice.

Adults workout
KB SDHP and KB squats
Follow each round with a half park loop run

Finish off with
50 double unders
15 turkish get ups

Kids workout
Tyre drag ( using scooter tyre, no rim)
21 over head squats with broom stick
Tyre drag
15 OHS
Tyre drag