Monday, June 08, 2009

Tuesday 9th June

For 20 minutes
1 Pullup
1 Lunge (each leg)
1 Burpee
2 Pullups
2 Lunges (each leg)
2 Burpees
3 Pullups
3 Lunges (each leg)
3 Burpees
4 pullups
increasing by one rep per exercise each round


  1. Thanks to my brain not functioning properly, I was going to do Carla with a 500m row sub'd for the run but in my lack of attention to detail, I only did 3rnds and not 5rnds. So I guess it's not Carla....

    Thanks Fi for the tip on adding weights to the dip bars to help off set the kipping force, tried it out after my 'shortened' Carla with 30kg and felt good, but will use heavier just to make sure.
    3rnds for time:
    500m row
    30DL @ 50kg
    30 sit ups


    Might pay a little more attention to detail from now on....

  2. My brain didn't function properly this morning either, Graeme. The wod was lunges EACH LEG increasing by one each round. I did increase by one rep each round but forgot the EACH LEG part. So that means I did half the lunges i should have. No wonder I got 11 rounds.....
    One positive from this morning is that my kipping pull ups are definately improving, only half a piece of chalk in it to get OVER the bar instead of smacking my chin on it each swing.
    And I felt much stronger today.

  3. I did the WOD from Crossfit Brisbane
    For time, perform an inverted ladder with the following two movements.

    10-1 reps of Burpees
    1-10 reps of Deadlift, 100kg

    ie, 1st round is 10 burpees + 1 deadlift, 2nd round is 9 burpees + 2 deadlifts etc, last round is 1 burpee + 10 deadlifts,

    23:50, not happy with that time, I need to cut down my little rests

  4. Skills and drills are where it's at, either new or old skills all need to be learnt or practiced to get more proficient at them.

    Mick: what about scaling the weight instead of going rx'd due to increase reps per round of the DL's since you end up doing 55 reps... I actually follow this now after doing WOD's as rx'd and then loosing all intensity from resting too much and making it more of a grind...

    I think the Burpee/DL ladder will be Thursdays WOD for me, but as rx'd and not up scaled to 125kg DL as per CFB blog...

  5. Good idea Greame, I thought of that after I posted the comment earlier, I also noticed on The croosfit Brisbane comments that alot of blokes had scalled back to 80kg, lesson learnt.

    I might do better if I mix some concrete into my porridge and harden up :)

  6. Concrete make porridge go lumpy, and I don't do porridge... :p
    It not a matter of 'hardening up' it about training smart, the Journal has a recent article about scaling, aptly titled scaling: how less can be more.
    I've learnt my lessons about rx'd and scaling, even Jason Kalipa scaled when he started CrossFit.... I like when it comes to WODs that have a heavy weight, with a high total rep count is where most guys come unstuck, I know I have due to the mental process or lack therefore of, since I can pull 180kg deadlift for single, but throw 100kg for reps 8, 10 or 12 in to the mix of 3rnds for time with a run or row and some dips or chin ups, it really sucks and if you can't handle the total load at the high intensity it turns into a grind and really sucks...
    If you don't have access to the journal let me know an email address and i'll send it to you.

    BTW Oakey is damn cold and I wanna come home, to drop bumpers and put chalk dust everywhere ;D

  7. The ladder we did today floored me. I was wiped out for the day. When I got into the pool for my stroke correction class this evening I had nothing. I thought my hamstrings were going to cramp.
    Still I'm happy with my result for this workout. Not bad for my legs :P

  8. Thanks for the info Graeme, I do have access to the journal so I'll look it up.
