Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday 10th June

Five rounds for time of:
21 reps Thrusters 35kg/25kg
21 Double-unders

Post time to comments.


  1. Did this Yesterday in 12:06 - Vicious

    And I am paying for it today big time!

  2. AM Crew 20 minutes cut off

    Jeff 14:32
    Nathan 2.1 rounds @ CO
    Ben 4 rounds @ CO
    Robin 3.1 rounds @ CO

  3. Very disappointed with my effort today… couldn’t coordinate any form of skipping at all. Makes it hard to believe I was busting out 5 in a row DU at home yesterday!

  4. At least you can do Double Unders Nathan. Skipping's still just gone from an aspirational activity to one I can "just" do now. You've progressed loads since you started last year.

    I'm in awe of how you busted out RX'd thrusters for a work out we did a couple of weeks ago. You left me for dust. I suspect you'll be able to do unassisted pull ups before too long as well.

    I'm still playing catch up from breaking my leg in January.

    On that note I have my final check up with the fracture clinic on Friday. Fingers crossed all goes to plan I never have to set foot into a hospital for decades to come.

  5. Actually Chris he already can. Nathan did all his pullups unassisted yesterday during the 20 minutes ladder, even hitting a few sets of five :).
    Congrates Nathan, next time "cindy" shows up its an rx'd workout for you.

  6. Show's how much attention I was paying to everyone else then! I was in a world of pain :*
