Friday, January 22, 2010

AUSTRALIA DAY 26th January 2010

The Box will be closed on Australia Day, but we will still be doing a WOD.

4.5 km for time
aka The iSynergy Amcal Australia Day Fun Run.

Registrations begin at 6.45am on the day of the event at the Tony Ireland Stadium. The Run/Walk starts at 7.30am.

The entry fee is a gold coin donation with all proceeds going to the Heart Foundation.

Bring your bathers as we will hang out at the lagoons afterwards.

Remember to wear either your CrossFir North Queensland shirt or Dress in an Australia Day theme as the organizers are giving out a prize for the best dressed individual and team

For more details check on the Townsville Road Runners link to the left


  1. Ladies and gents here are the times I have for last few years. Almost every one improved from 2008-2009. So let's try for PRs all around this year. For those doing the event for th first time this year let's set your bench mark time and have some fun

    Name 2008/2009
    Berry 16:53/16:41
    Brett 19:02/19:48
    Michelle 21:59/20:20
    Matthew NA/21:53
    Errica 22:03/22:12
    Fiona 25:29/25:02
    Robin 31:33/28:41
    Jodie 32:33/29:37

  2. going to have to drop out of top position this year :(, cant handle the pace over that distance yet. GO CFNQ!

  3. The rain stopped just in time for the Race, those who stayed home missed a great puddle run
    good stuff Michelle, Kelly, Sally and Robert for braving the rain and thanks for Jodie who turned up as support. Results/ times should be in the Townsville bulletin tomorrow

  4. Offical times from the Australia Day Run,
    The 1-1.5km or so was different from previous years ( down between the new units and river then back up between arts centre and car park, rather than past the road and skate park ( so we didn't actually run on the road at all)
    Rob 19:37 (64th)
    Michelle 21:33. (103rd)
    Sally B 22:10(112th)
    Fiona 25:32. (173rd)
    Kelly 26:59 (198th)

    all up 319 entries
