Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday 24th December 2009

Todays WOD is from CrossFit Territory

For time;
21 60kg Dead­lift
21 Burpees
500m Row

15 60kg Front Squat
15 Pull ups
50 dou­ble unders

9 60kg Clean and Press
9 Knees to Elbows
400m run

Post time and comments.
And read the story behind this catagory 5 Wod


  1. Ring dip challenge day 24

  2. The story behind "Tracey"
    On Christ­mas Eve 1974,Cyclone Tracey struck the city of Dar­win in the North­ern Ter­ri tory. One hun­dred and ninety-five mil­lime­ters of rain fell in less than nine hours, and winds of around 250 km per hour flat­tened the city. In terms of dam­age to a com­mu­nity, Cyclone Tracey remains Australia’s most destruc­tive for prop­erty dam­age & 71 peo­ple where killed, and many thou­sands injured. Of a pop­u­la­tion of 43,000, 25,000 were left homeless.

  3. Am crew
    Jeff 15:11 rxd
    Michelle 16:06 (35kg)
    Stuart 18:30 (50kg)
    bronwyn 19:20 (30kg) s
    Sumi 20:05 (15kg ) s

  4. Alisyn CFMom wod
    4 rounds
    10 stepups
    10 Db hang Power clean 5kg
    10 squats


  5. I will be doing this WOD today at 6:30pm at The box if anyone who missed out this morning would like to join me.
    Also for those who ordered rings or Kettlebells they have arrived


  6. Matt 15:00 (40kg)
    Khan 12:10 (50kg)
    Sally 17:30 (23kg)
    Fiona 19:06 (43kg)
