Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wednesday 11th November 2009


At the 11th hour
of the 11th day,
of the 11th month...

We will remember them
Lest We Forget

Three Rounds for time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell swings (24kg)
15 Knees to Elbows
9 Ring Dips

With heavy hearts we ded­i­cate todays work­out to Private Benjamin Ranaudo, killed in Afghanistan on July 18th by a IED. Ben trained with us at CFNQ before being deployed he was "B1" on the score board because he started training with us at the same time as another Ben. On this day of rememberance our prayers go out to his family, friends and girlfriend. As well as to the families of all those lost in war.


  1. Pushup Challenge Day 81

  2. With band assisted dips
    Chris 17:44 24kg A
    Nicole 17:35 16kg A
    Robin 17:34 200m runs, 16kg R

  3. 930 crew
    sub ring pushup forcdips and kneelifts for KTE
    Paul 12:08 24kg
    Tammy 13:05 12kg
    bronwyn 14:49 12kg
    sumo 17:56 12kg

  4. Pm crew
    Casey 20:46 12kg ring pu klifts
    Julien 19:55 20 yellow band dips
