Thursday, November 05, 2009

Saturday 7th November 2009

4 rounds
400m run
15 thrusters 42.5kg/30kg
15 pullups

compare to 11.4.09


  1. Pushup Challenge Day 77

  2. Good turnout today with 9 people arriving and giving their all.

    A too many few strains and blisters for my liking but a bit of ice and hand care and we should be ready to rock again soon.

    Check out for some idea of what Fi may be up against this weekend.

  3. Went a purchased some of those "silver" bandaids that have been mentioned recently. I'm hoping that these with some bactroban will speed the healing of my blister :)

  4. hey chris, silver is a good bacterial-cidal and will help speed healing. You could cut the bactroban away and just use a drop of tea tree oil in some pure vit E cream (make sure no perfumes, etc). Heals up my blisters in a few days, just ask brett!

  5. It is true, I am converted to Silver, Tea Tree and E as the ultimate healing balm.

    Maybe in a past life Steve was a witch?

  6. Only if he was a woman in a past life Brett. If he was a man he would have been a Druid, Warlock or maybe even a Shaman :P

    Thanks for the tip Steve :D

  7. Hey Steve, I have another question for you. I was reading a post on "Marks Daily Apple", You probablly know that website.

    He was responding to the question : GROK didnt take supplements so why should we? (if we are dedicated Zone/Primal folowers.

    He said we still need to take 4 supplements: Antioxidants, Probiotics, Fish Oil and includes a quality Protein Drink as the only other supplement we need. Well we have sorted out the fish oil debate already. But what about Protein drinks? I have a protein drink : Horleys High Protein Low Carb Advanced Shaping Protein for Women, as a recovery drink after workouts but don't use it as a meal replacement. I think they definately help me. And Probiotics and Antioxidants? Do we need them?

    Just wondering what you think? You might need to read the full post on marks Daily Apple : "GROK didnt take supplements why should we?" first.

  8. Hey Brett,
    Just an update on my calf muscles after yesterday. That trigger point stuff you showed me with the kettlebell has worked a miracle.
    There is barely any tightness or discomfort in them now. Those running certs you and Fi have done were worth the tips on trigger points for sure.

    The silver bandaids are miracle workers as well. My blister has healed over nicely. I think I'll almost be back to normal tomorrow as well.

  9. Covered my 77 pushups in the Tabata Deadlift/pushup mashup at the Newcastle Event

    THe four WODs for the day where
    WOD 1
    50 airsquats
    500m run
    1 box climb (2.4m box)
    500m run

    WOD 2
    Tabata Deadlift 80/50kg, Pushup mashup total reps for all 16 intervals

    WOD 3
    Pushups (Chest2 bar males/chin over females)
    Toes to bar

    WOD 4
    Max rep thrusters 50/30kg in 4 minutes
