Friday, October 02, 2009

Saturday 3rd October 2009

Drawn from "The Hopper Deck" at the start of class

3 rounds
400m run
21 KB swings
12 Pullups


  1. Pushup Up Challenge Day 42
    BI= 903

  2. "Helen"
    3 rounds
    400m run
    21 KB swings
    12 Pullups

    Michelle 11:32 rxd
    Reek 12:41 rxd
    Chris 12:51 rxd
    Ben 14:29
    Nathan 15:01
    Ella 11:02
    Peta 11:38
    Hilary 18:56
    Julien 14:17
    Robin 14:59

  3. "Heavy Fran"
    Brett 14:28 60/20kg
    Fiona 14:10 42.5/10kg Vest

  4. Sorry to those who've liked some eggs this morning. I only had 2 egg cartons. I'll bring a few doz Tues loose in a basket so bring your own egg carton to take them home in.

  5. I had a crack of Heavy Fran today also.
    got 12:07 which is ok I suppose. I originally had a 20kg plate tied around my hips but it kept coming undone/slipping so after I completed the first 10 reps I decided to change to my 10kg weight vest so I could get consistent reps without stopping on the pull ups.
    I look forward to having a better go of it next time to compare time with the full 20kg pull ups.
