Monday, September 07, 2009

Wednesday 9th September 2009

For time:
Row 5km


  1. 18 Push ups done for the day.

  2. Congrats to Matthew for getting his first Muscle up today, then two more for the camera :) Video will be uploaded soon

  3. My workout this morning :

    Warmed up with push ups sit ups back extensions push ups and pull ups and dips (on the assist machine pin 7) 10 reps of each. 3 sets. Then did 15mins on the bike less reistance (3) but higher RPM, 70+.

    Finished off with 8 tabata sets on the bike, 20secs hard and fast then 10 secs slow, rest pace.

    That was interesting.

    It feels so weird being in a busy "commercial" gym but the bike really helps the knee while I wait for surgery (footballers get first preference.)

  4. Nice work Matt....Now 30 for time :)

  5. Great work Matt you were so close it was only a matter of time :)

    Good work to this afternoons crew:

    Karl 22:04
    Julian 21:58
    Stu 22:13
    Reek 23:01

    These times were from memory so may be a bit off, went hard though I was impressed.

  6. 6am
    Matthew 21:20.7 + 3 MU :)
    Jeff 20:25.7

    Tammy 22:58.7
    Paul 22:19.9

    Bronwyn 11:40.2
    Sumari 14:02

    Great to see you back Bronwyn and even cooler that you brought a friend,welcome Sumari, lets hope she is still your friend after today, Great efforts girls

    Alisyn 24:36.9

  7. 6pm Crew
    Times from the chalk board

    Karl 21:54
    Julian 21:48
    Stu 22:10
    Reek 23:01

  8. Fiona 21:35.2
    just under 30 seconds faster than last time, got to love/hate that little pace boat :)

  9. Fiona and I both shared a special moment with Matt this morning.

    Good to see Matt complete his first muscle up then back up with another two, just missing out on completing his third in a row

  10. Considering Matt wouldn't even try to do a ring dip for a long time because of problems with his shoulders its so cool to see him get a muscle up, its moments like these that remind me why i became a trainer. And it just goes to show that functional movement are our bodies best friend.

    Matt got his muscle up for a number or reasons, mostly because he turns ups and works hard, works the movements and sets himself realisitic goals. The only person he tries to beat is himself. But he doesn't beat himself up if it doesn't happen, he just picks up and tries again until it does.

    Now for my rant, sorry if i boar you and for any and all spelling mistakes that i make.Its late and I need sleep

    CROSSFIT by Fi
    " It's not about being first in a WOD or winning at an event,it should be about beating your inner demons. It's about doing something you never thought possible when you first walk in the door, or in Matts case the park, turning the mind around to actully wanting, not just wishing for, what you once belived was out of reach.

    Setting your goals,realistic and written down, practicing the progressions and the skills, listerning to you body when it said it wasn't ready and not listerning to your mind when it said to give up because it's to hard.

    Understanding that one bad WOD or even a bad week or two does not define you,working around injuries smartly and shifting focus for a time if needed, not through then dumbly and making them worse or causing more.

    Leaving your ego at the door and understanding that some days you may need to use a band, reduce a load or sub a movement so you can still workout hard that day and for may more to come.

    Not whining you cannot do something but quitely chipping away at the movements you need to try, tackle, and master little by little to make them a bit better each time until one day you can do what you never thought was possible."

    Thats it.
    Bed time now

    Welcome to the Muscle Up Club Matthew
