Friday, September 18, 2009

Monday 21st September 2009

"Beep Test"
followed by

AMRAP in 10 minutes
50 Skips
Run 200m

Compare to 30th April 2009


  1. Pushups Challenge Day 30,
    Bye in 465.

    And only 5 more sleeps till fight Gone Bad.

    And good news for those who are working/away on saturday and cannot come we are running and "under card" event Friday arvo at 5:30pm.
    You can donate your $25 and do Fight Gone Bad without the fanfair of saturday, But you are still doing the Workout for a good cause and your totals will go into the rankings on saturday.
    Please let Fiona know if you want to be part of the undercard.

  2. Running...glad I stretched my hammies off yesterday.

  3. 30 Push Ups done

  4. Good to see you today Robin, sorry we couldn't chat more.

    Good luck with the Op

  5. That's OK Scott, my lift arrived soon after so I had to go anyway.

    Good to hear you are busy with your personal training enterprise.

    I went down to see a specialist about my knee because I couldn't see anyone in Townsville till mid November! Didn't see the point of waiting 9 weeks, thats a long time to be in limbo.

    Ill know next week if I will need surgery to repair a torn meniscus or if its something else and can be managed more conservativelly.

    Not many sleeps to go now before you are back in the ADF, do you have to do the initial 3mths training all over again?

    I was also going to ask you yesterday if you resolved those nasty headaches?

    Thanks for the good luck.

  6. Name ( Beep Test ) AMRAP
    Marc (7.2) 6 + 30 skips
    Ben (7.5) 7 +50skips
    Stu (8.7) 6+50skips
    Jeff (9) 8 +50skips
    Matt F (9.11) 6+40 skips
    Chris S(10.2) 7+50skips
    Ella Rose (11.1) 7 +45 skips
    Brad (11.12) 7 rounds
    Julien (DND) 6 rounds
