Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thursday 25th June

75 reps for time:
35kg Power snatch


30 reps for time
60kg Snatch


  1. AM Crew chose
    Modified Randy
    75 Hang Power Snatch

    Michelle 6:50 (17.5kg)
    Jeff 8:19 (26kg)
    Chris 10:00 (20kg)
    Robin 8:06 (1ADS 4kg)
    Sarah 9:11 (9kg)

  2. Was going to have a shot at Randy, but just wasn't feeling it when I got to the gym after work today, so I did a easy 2000m row plus 2 attempts at max watts on the rower, then did some Push Press and Push Jerk, to get my 1 rep max, then a bit of shoulder pressing since I had the bar loaded..
    Resulting in:
    Easy row 7:34.4
    Max watts: 740w & 808watts (PR)
    Max PP&PJ 100kg (PR)
    Max SP 70kg (PR) but failed on 72.5kg

    Still happy with the numbers since i've been making progress the whole time I have been away, but back to training by myself again, apparently CF just wasn't doing 'it' for the other 2 that decided to join me if only briefly. I did scale for them to make sure they didn't wreck, but the short and intense WODs weren't doing it for them.

  3. Helen
    400m run
    21, 16kg KB swings
    12 pull ups

    pull ups
    They fatigue me very quickly. I guess some more commitment to training will get me closer

  4. PM crew
    Karl 7:36 (12.7kg)
    Brad 5:59 ( 16kg)
    Anne 5:45 (1 ADS 2kg alternating arms)

  5. Mick
    By your reps I take it u are going for max reps then picking up the remainder after a little break? Have u tried not going to max and breaking the reps up to smaller bits where u can do them as say 3x4reps with shorter breaks, in the aim u don't gas out later on and drop back to doubles or even singles...
    I've been working on my chin up number and ability to do smaller micro sets with shorter break between to get thru them and it seems to be working, even training solo which is so much more a mental game since its just you v's the exercise v's the clock... Plus there isn't much trash talk going on, which is half the fun ;-D

    Talking about talking trash, there has been a bit kicking round whe I am at the gym normally after my WOD, but no one wants to throw down and do a WOD with me as rx'd...though one of them had a go @ my easy 2000m row time, he missed by about 10 seconds but maintains only because he put the damper on 7/8 and not 5/6 where I had it, he looked pretty wrecked afterwards, his 500m split times really blew out from 1:45 to 2:10 but he was rowing how I used to row, high stroke rate with lower power and crazy chain slap...

  6. Hey Greame, i think i found you a new Trash talking Rx'ing friend.
    But he can do Muscle ups and usually comes to PM sessions, does that qualify?

  7. Oh snap, looks like I need to get a muscle up, but PM session don't work for me since Sarah works and the kids need constant close supervision.
    Might have to organise with the neighbour to watch the kids just to do a PM session...
    Will be back I a weeks time, so looks like MU transition to MU's will be on menu for skills practice.
