Friday, May 15, 2009

Saturday 16th May 2009

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Compare to 23rd March 2009


  1. These number are from memory so if I get them wrong, please post corrections
    Brett 18
    Fiona 15
    Chris 13
    Erica 12
    Scott 12
    Jabba 11 ?

    Band pull-ups
    Nathan (red)8
    Ella-Rose (pink)13

  2. That is my best Cindy ever. Today was a really good session at the box.

    Great improvement Nath over last time, I cant wait to witness you doing a few rounds rx'd in a couple of months just like Scott B.

    I remember Scott struggling with bands, I think I was there at a session where he nailed his first two kips in a row at riverway, and now 5s by request.

    It just shows persistence pays off.

  3. Thanks Brett for the kind words. I must say that I am warming to Pullups.

    Congrats on the PB this morning and well done to everyone punching out some solid numbers!!

    My pushups are the weak link. More work on dips and pushups for me. If only there was a band I could use for pushups?

  4. Oh, by the way.....................................don't tell Brian I was in his spot!

  5. Well day 1 of the Cert has been most enlightening, especially Coach Glassman himself, who spoke for over an hour.
    We did Tabata squats, 8 sets, this morning with the rest time remaining in the squat position just to make it more interesting! Then this arv it was Fran. My time was 3.02 mins, not sure if it's a PB or not but the US coach Paula Ray? was impressed with my Thusters.
    I will miss the last hour tomorrow because I have to catch my flight to Adelaide but I get to work on more things I suck at like Med Ball Cleans early in the day.

  6. Good to her you are having fun, Paula Ray or Lisa Ray ?, if its Lisa Ray Say Hi from Me, Lisa was kind a enough to give me a lift up the US coast from LA to Santa Cruz when i went to the states for my first cert, she is a great lady.
    Say hi to coach for me too please

  7. Awesome Robin, Lisa Ray (Crossfit Flagstaff) one of Matt's fav coaches so it is cool that she was happy with your thrusters. No Band for push ups but if you elevate your hands it will have the same effect the little black steps should be enough to allow you to get chest to deck.

  8. 9am "Circuit Class"
    AMRAP in 20 minutes
    500m row
    10 Situps
    10 KB swings

    Peta 16kg KB = 5.2
    Wendy 12kg KB = 4

    Great work ladies
