Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday 25th January 2009

"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Post total to comments.


  1. Back Squat 95kgs
    Shoulder Press 55kgs
    Dead Lift 100kgs

  2. Nice work Scott.

    We just got back from the Run about 4.3km in 19:45(30 secs slower than last year - damn holiday)

    I rested Sunday but put Reek through a WOD of my creation 10 Pull ups,2 Wall Balls, 10 Sit Ups - 8 PU, 4 WB, 10 Sit Ups... 2 Pull Ups, 10 WB, 10 SU.

    I am carrying a cork that I hope will be all but gone tomorrow and a mid trap strain from the HSPU and then the Overhead Lunges WOD.

    How was your total? conservative or max out?

    Happy Australia Day :)

  3. I wanted to go a bit more on the squat but had no spotter.
    Shoulder press was pretty much it, any more I would have been doing a push press to get it up there.
    Dead lift was the most I've ever done, so I was happy with that.

    That run would have been good, a nice distance. Well done to everyone that had a go :)
