Sunday, January 03, 2016

Monday 4th January 2016

NOTE TO ALL ATHLETES: This is a scheduled “back-off” week. Yes we know its the start of the year. Every 4 weeks we lower the volume for a number of reasons that will benefit performance in the long run. I know you are motivated, and want to do more. The question is… are you smart enough to trust the process?

1. Snatch skills

2. Conditioning
21 Power Snatch, 61/42.5kg
21 Burpees over Bar
15 OHS, 61/42.5kg
15 Burpees over Bar
9 Squat Snatches, 61/42.5kg
9 Burpees over Bar

Please watch and learn the routine below, you will see it alot, well at least twice a week ;) . You should be able to work on it at home if you miss out on doing in during classes.

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