Monday, January 11, 2010

Wednesday 13th January 2010

Power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Post loads to comments.


  1. Ring Dip Challenge Day 44

  2. Ok so its less than a week to go and people are still asking "What is the Paleo Diet?"

    Here is an extract from "The Cell"s Paleo nutrition page, thanks Jason,
    visit it
    read it , follow the links and then ask your questions

    The Paleolithic Diet is the diet we humans are genetically adapted to eat. The Paleolithic Age is the same as the Stone Age – so this is a stone age diet or life style. This has been humanity’s preferred diet for around 2.5 million years, and humans have only genetically changed 0.005% since the introduction of agriculture. As a rule, agricultural (and technological) products are not healthy to eat, and we should predominantly try to eat only those whole foods that are healthy in their raw state (though almost all humans, including hunter-gatherers cook their food).

    The Paleo Diet is NOT the Zone Diet and we are not concerned at this stage with you eating in Zone proportions. Lets get the “What to Eat” in place first, then we’ll tinker with the “How Much” to eat.

    The Essentials of the Paleo Diet are:
    Eat none of the following:
    Grains – Including bread, pasta, noodles (corn is a grain)
    Beans – Including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, snow-peas and peas
    Dairy Products

    Eat the following:
    Meat, chicken and fish
    Vegetables (especially root vegetables, but not potatoes)
    Nuts and seeds (not peanuts)
    Fruit, especially berries – strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. Smash the berries. They are so full of nutrition it’d be criminal to not eat them everyday.

    Try to increase your intake of:
    Root vegetables – Carrots, turnips, parsnips, swedes, sweet potatoes.
    Organ meats – liver and kidneys (Ok, I know none of you will actually eat this, but hey, we’re just providing the info anyway.)
