Monday, May 04, 2009


Today Finomenal Fitness was accepted as
Australia's First CrossFit Affiliate
CrossFit North Queensland
Thankyou to Coach, Lauren,Tony and the rest of the CrossFit Family for their support.
As well as all the clients of Finomenal Fitness

That was 3 years ago, boy how time flies.
To Celebrate CrossFit North Queensland's third birthday we will be having a BBQ get together Friday arvo starting at 6pm.
Food will be provided, Zone friendly and Gluten Free(mostly)
Don't worry about bringing presents just $5 to go to the kitty. BYO drinks, Friends and family are welcome.
There will be no offical workout as such but feel free to "play"
RSVP to the blog or Fiona so we have enough food.

Hope to see you all there


  1. Yay, Happy Birthday to CrossFit NQ....for a 3 yr old, still kick my a$$ everytime i turn up and i'm now 30.....

  2. OMG - I actually do remember that!

  3. Happy Birthday CFNQ. Wish I was there for the celebrations :)

  4. Congrats for 3yrs of having your own Crossfit affiliate Fiona. I'm glad that I discovered it. It's always enguaging and a top work out always on every attendance. And all the other people training along side makes it a lot more fun too.

    I'll be along for the bbq on Friday. I'll bring along my $5 for the food too. See ya then

  5. When my personal trainer left town in July 2007, I thought: who could train me and where could I train?

    I'd been using an intensive excercise programe to correct a debilitating metabolism imbalance(hyperthyroidism) on the recomendation of my doctor for 15months with great success.

    (I'm now convinced excercise really does fix everything)

    One day at Kickstart I saw this CHICK doing pullups and thought : Wow. I want to be able to do them too. That CHICK was Fiona and it was July 2007. As I continued to regain my health and fitness so too did my interest in Crossfit grow.

    It is never boring, always challenging a great social mix of fun, group support and competition.
    There are still so many skills to master I can see myself crossfitting for the rest of my life! I wonder if there will be crossfit wods each morning in the retirement village....

    So congratulations Fiona, on introducing Crossfit to North Qld and growing your own affiliate from TYRES IN THE PARK to the BOX THAT ROCKS today.

    Happy Birthday CFNQ.

  6. i will try to drop by after work Fi, otherwise I will catch you for our Sat morning WOD

  7. Thanks for all who came, i hope you enjoyed your self,Thanks to brian and chris for manning the BBQ and especailly thankyou to the boys( Graeme, Brett , Adam et al, who put our new the GHD's together.
    They will be put to good use at saturdays WOD.
    Great to see Jacinta back at the box and to met the new addition to the family, he is a beautiful little boy, even if he did throw up on me :)
