Thursday, August 07, 2008

Wednesday 6th August

Bye, Bye Kim who had her last training session (for now) with CrossFit North Queensland today.
She leaves us to study on the Sunshine Coast.

Lee she should be knocking on your door soon.

All the best Kimmy from everyone at CrossFit NQ and keep training hard.


  1. See ya kim, good luck with your course!

  2. Bye Kimmy don't drink too much down there:0

  3. Main Site WOD 21 L Snatch
    21 R Snatch 42 Pull Ups
    15 L, 15 R 30 PU 9 R, 9 L 18 PU

  4. "Nasty Girls"
    3 rounds
    50 Squats
    7 Muscle ups (band Assisted)
    10 Hang power cleans (40kg)

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Thanks guys will miss you heaps!! - just went for a run around where I'm living now it is really nice. .
    I've also found family down here and they are going to try hook me up with a gym so i can do admin work when i'm not studying.
    I've also found that there is no nightlife here so much to ur disappointment brett there will be no drinking for me!! :]
    Bye for now!
