Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2007 CrossFit Bootcamps

The first CrossFit Bootcamp for 2007 Starts January 9th.
Learn the basics of the Crossfit method or refine your skills while you improve your overall fitness, three mornings a week, for 6 weeks.

The boot camp costs $150 for 6 weeks and this includes your initial personal fitness assesment, training sessions included in program and meal plans. Numbers are limited, so its almost like a group PT sessions, register and pay for your place by 7th January and receive a free CrossFit NQ t-shirt or tank top.

Workouts kickoff at 6am Tuesday and Thursday at Pioneer Park Riverway, and Saturday at 7am at Sherriff Park , Mundingburra.

Call Fiona 0423 110175,or email to ensure your place an book your intial fitness assesment.

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