Wednesday, May 10, 2006

BALL + WALL + ROPE = "Fun" 9th May

First 6am group workout.
It was still dark at 6am with winter getting closer so we did a little raid on the machanics down the Road.

AKA collected the tractor tyre he left out the front for us, and then flipped the 150 or so meters to the gym. Good start to warm up. Then the group collected our broomsticks, medicine balls and skipping ropes and headed off to the car park of a building for lease near the gym, as the gym car park was full of CARS!

4 rounds Burgener Warm up + 10 squats

Followed by

How many rounds can you do in 20min of !
20 Wall Ball Shots
20 Skips
20 Walking lunges /each leg

Run back to wall and reapet

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